How is it
that we form such strong bonds with those on line? I often get into the most profound
discussions with regards to faith with those I have never met. Is it because our noble thoughts often cannot
support the scrutiny of the lived-out reality of faith? I know that I try to live up to the faith
that I espouse. I try to ‘walk the talk’. But I am all too human in how I live (read:
And as much
as I want to NOT be Platonic in the way I describe my faith, I know that it is
how I finally evaluate others and myself on the scale of things. Invariably I begin with the perfect, that
image of the best in my mind and then evaluate myself and others against
it. It is an impossible way to
live. No wonder we grow up neurotic and constantly
striving for that which we cannot accomplish.
And yet… And yet… How do we
become better, more practiced, more nuanced, mature, if we do not push our
boundaries? And how do we even image
those 'pushed boundaries' if we do not image perfection as the way to go?
The image of
Christ as perfect God and perfect man [sic.]as the image I am to live up to is
too much. Jesus was as human as each of
us is. If he wasn’t, there is no reason
to understand the Incarnation. But was
he perfect? I doubt it. The Greek word for perfect that has come down to us is not a good translation of the Hebrew word that best translates how Jesus understood that "Be ye perfect as the Father is perfect," really meant 'whole or complete or balanced.' But are we to do tap dances around those
difficult texts in Scripture where Jesus doesn’t come across in a good light?
(the Canaanite woman with the sick daughter, the cursing of the fig tree, the
ignoring of his own family) Or do we see
Jesus as capable of growth as we?
I struggle
with Scripture, theology and pastoral relationships with those I know on line. I have had some wonderful conversations with
people over the years that have called me to become closer to Christ, demand
more of myself as a friend, reach farther into what love calls me than if I
merely read books or meditated on holy things.
It has often been the sharp dig on Facebook that reminds me of my
frailty. And I am surprised into working
on a specific previously-ignored musty corner of my reality. But the intimacy that I have developed with friends on line always provoke a longing to know them in the flesh. I have traveled inordinate distances and welcomed those from afar to make that human connection that has begun on line. The friendship of the internet calls me from the keyboard to the incarnate.
Yesterday I met with old friends who were very influential at the beginning of my priestly career. I hadn't seen them in years and it was such a comfort that we have not grown apart. We have had some similar incidents in our intervening years, and we are all a bit battered around the edges, but is was like a piece of old fine furniture--the patina was glowing and spoke of good use. I think that is how friendship in Christ makes us.
Hi, Lauren, I have often thought about the "be ye perfect" vs. the human mistakes Jesus made. Perhaps making mistakes is not a sin.
Ps 25:6 has comforted me many times, "Remember not the sins of myyouth and my transgressions; remember me according to your love and for the sake of your goodness, O Lord" Not our goodness but God's; not our goodness but God's love.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the "be ye perfect" originally reached us from the koine Greek? Will check the next time I go upstairs (have gotten more and more lazy in old age).
Lovely blog! Love, Pat
Pat, I appreciated your comments. Your facility in Hebrew is always a boon since I was never able to learn the Hebrew alphabet.
I went to my 50th high school reunion last week and used that line in my benediction.
You are one of those 'patinaed' friends that mark my life. I wish I was preaching this coming weekend since the readings do bring us to friendship as the basis of living out our Christianity.
yeah, I think that "perfect" is koine Greek, too.
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