Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Five: Randomness

Happy Friday, Gals and Pals...
Our FF today is in honor of spontaneous thinking!
1.  What religion/faith besides yours captures your curiousity and why? 
Hmmmm.  Judaism has always caught my fancy and I consider myself as an adopted Jew as a Christian.  Judaism's strong connection to family and home has always been a drawing card.  But I am not culturally Jewish and I knew that would always be a hindrance to me.  I am somewhat drawn to Buddhism because of the place of meditation in that faith.  But Shinto has appealed to me because of seeing the sacred in nature is a place where I could go to find the Holy. 
2.  What is the first or most memorable pop song you ever learned as a kid? 
White sports coat and a pink carnation.  Don't remember who sang it, but my brother has a white sports coat for his prom when I was about 5 and that was a popular song at the time.
3.  If God were a color.....(finish this sentence creatively)  Probably Blue-Green.  But the Holy changes color at every moment.

4.  If you were going to make a sandwich right now for lunch, and you magically had all the items you need for it, what would that sandwich be? I love BLT's and I do have the makes for it.  But even more, I love Italian Hoagies with no peppers unless they are sweet reds.


5.  How are you doing?  Really, how are you? I am not in a good place this morning.  J. just came home from hospital yesterday.  I am headachy and tired and because J. is up, I need to be up.  I am beginning to wonder if it isn't time for us to move to a retirement center.  More and more of the home duties are falling to me and I have always hated to do 'domestic' stuff.  I love the cooking but not the clean up.  I can't do the yard work anymore and it is getting expensive to have it done.  J would benefit in a retirement center.  It would help her get out more often and free me from having to wait on her.  But waiting on her is part of the deal of love.  I AM really happy to wait on her and to see after her.  But I am not ready to get into retirement mode because I know I am going to have a parish again.

Bonus:  What are you enjoying/loving right now? 
Until this recent hospitalization of J, I would have said, the redevelopment of the diocese.  I went to a clergy meeting yesterday and am energized by the people there and the vision for the diocese.  At the same time, I know that my duties require me to be at home rather than in a parish.  I do not look forward to moving to at retirement center.  I would like a smaller apartment but I am already claustrophobic.   


Mary Beth said...

Sorry for the grumps. My parents moved to a retirement village (in a duplex-type house) and it's been a really great thing for them. There are lots of activities which they almost never participate, because church is their social life. And that is fine. They don't have to do the appliance maintenance, light-bulb changing, LAWN MOWING stuff that is seriously not what they need to be doing now.

Sending love and blessings to you and J., and praying for transitions to come.

river song said...

I love your header picture and as Krister Stendahl insisted, we are "honorary Jews." Sending prayers for your health and well-being; peace!

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Hope J is feeling better...and you as well. I so get the yardwork etc etc etc...

revkjarla said...

Sending you more love and energy along with MB. It's a sucky place to be...
Am happy to hear about the redevelopment of the diocese...I am sure you have been part of the leadership!

BLT sandwiches are popular among the RevGals today...

love, hope, healing, and blessings....